Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I know I have complained about this before, and I know it's like this with every kid, but holy shitballs. This kid. With the why's. He's sucking my will to live. Every single answer I give him has an immediate follow up question. Why?

Typical conversation:
Alex: What doing Mom?
Me: Making dinner.
Alex: Why?
Me: So we have something yummy to eat.
Alex: Why?
Me: Because we are all hungry.
Alex: Why?
Me: Because it is the time of the day that we are all hungry, every single day.
Alex: Why?
Me: Seriously? Are we really going to keep going on like this?
Alex: Why?
Me: Awesome.
Alex: I want juice.

He recently has started just skipping a step. So now when he asks what I am doing, he doesn't wait for me to answer before issuing his follow up question:
Alex: What doing Mom?Why?
Me (while scanning the room desperately looking for the Bloopers cameras): What is happening?!?

And yes, I realize he is just trying to learn and I should be happy about his curiosity and clear desire to figure stuff out and yay my kid is cognitively growing. But can't we figure out some sort of schedule? A schedule that isn't every day, all day? You know, say like from 7pm til bed time, Mon-Fri...or any and all hours he is at daycare. Yeah, I can work with that.

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