Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spring Chicken

We went water skiing on Sunday. It was glorious! I love skiing. I love being at the lake, the smell of outboard motor exhaust, the flopping into the water at the end of a great run, the straight up exhaustion at the end of the day.

After four hilariously failed attempts, I was up and off to the wake cutting races. And I was instantly happy. So so happy. It's hard to explain how I feel when I am when I am skiing. Elated. Relaxed. Just plain old happy.

However, skiing for the first time in about 5 years when you are 33 years old has horrible consequences. When I get up, I have all of my weight on my right leg. Apparently even Jillian doesn't prepare your hamstring for that kind of stress. My leg hurts. My leg hurts real real bad.

But...so worth it.

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