Thursday, April 15, 2010


The crawling has progressed faster than I thought it would. I was hoping we would have at least a little while of slow, I can still catch you type of crawling. Not so much. I mean I can still catch him, but that kid's got some speed. And determination. Especially when the dog dishes are in sight. Those things are a never ceasing temptress for him. And now when he sees them, he takes off crawling toward them...with an evil cackle erupting from his mouth as each stride gets him closer. A really big part of me just wants to let him play with the bowls in hopes they will not prove as exciting as he anticipates. But then I realize that is a flawed thought process and just move the damn bowls.

It is pretty cool to watch him though. You can totally see the wheels spinning in his furry little head. He will be totally content playing with his toys, until something catches his eye. He sits there for a split second, but then realized he has the ability to get that something. And off he goes. Yesterday, he saw his sippy cup on the coffee table, crawled over to the table, pulled himself up on his knees and grabbed the cup off the table.

Believe it or not, I am not having a problem with this change! It is so cool watching him learn, and so time consuming making sure he doesn't hurt himself or destruct anything, I am totally distracted from freaking out that he is no longer a tiny little helpless baby.

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