Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Early Birds and Worms

Alex's new wake up time seems to be somewhere in the general area of 4:30AM. Sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later...all times killing me. I would like to know who or what reset his internal alarm clock. And I would like to smack them.

This morning wasn't too bad. He woke up at 4:45am, ate, and then we napped on the couch. I supposed I can deal with that. But I would be so much happier if the first number on the clock was a 5 instead of a 4. I realize it shouldn't matter if I get to fall back asleep, but in my little head it does matter. 4-anything is way too early. 5-anything is barely acceptable. 9-something would be preferred, but we can't always get what we want.

He wakes up hungry so it's not like he's just being a little shit that can't figure out how to lay back down after getting up on all fours. Oh yeah...that happened. Quite a few times actually. I would wake up to tortured howls and screams coming through the monitor and go to check on him. Only to find him in his crib, on his hands and knees, EYES CLOSED, and crying. I don't get it. Why when he is sleeping can he not figure out how to lay back down, but when he is awake and reaches his destination after crawling he splats out on his stomach like a beached whale? Sleepy baby=confused baby.

Anywho, yes, he is hungry. That crawling business is hungry work I guess. I have been packing him full of as much food and formula as his little belly will hold before bed. But it doesn't matter. His little body gobbles it all up and by 4:30 it needs more. And I sleepily oblige.

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