Monday, April 5, 2010

Thank you Easter Bunny! Bock Bock!

Some times people are very predictable. Easter Sunday was one of those times. My mom and Alex were two of those people.

My mom went gloriously overboard on presents for the kids. She hid 86 eggs for the kids to hunt. And almost all 86 had money in them. There are only 3 kids old enough to participate in the hunt. Abby and Max both found over $20 worth of eggs. Plus some candy filled eggs. Plus baskets that were hidden in the house. I wonder why they love being at Grandma and Grandpa's so much?

Alex also received a basket. Although he didn't have to hunt for it. That whole immobility thing got in the way, so his basket was delivered to him. Maybe he has it all figured out and the immobility is all a big fat ruse to get us to wait on him hand and foot. Anyway, true to form he took everything out of his basket one by one, set each thing off to the side (read: chucked everything out of the basket), and played with the empty basket. He couldn't be bothered with the adorable new outfit, or the fuzzy stuffed bunny, or the new book, or the new ring stacker toy. Nope. He is an empty container man.

So for his birthday when anyone asks what they should get him...Tupperware. Preferably empty.

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