Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Give me more giggles!

I've said it before, but it is worth saying again. This kid's giggles are as addictive as crack. By the end of each workday, I find myself itching to get him from daycare and immediately do anything I can to get my fix. It's a good thing he is pretty good about giving them up, or you would find me in a corner rocking back and forth making funny faces at the wall.

This past weekend we visited Travis's brother and his family. My sister-in-law loves babies more than anyone I have ever met. Hands down. And she can make them laugh like nobody's business. She had Alex laughing so hard, his cousin was worried that he wasn't breathing. I swear I do the same things she does, but I only get about 42% of the reaction she gets. That woman has got skills.

There are no defenses to this giggle. It renders you useless. It melts your heart into a puddle of warm gooeyness. The silly toothless grin that accompanies the giggle doesn't hurt either.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah giggles! Can;t wait to see him this weekend. Although most babies hate me.
