Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A.M. Snacking

Alex's usual pre-breakfast that gets consumed in the car on the way to daycare where he will be eating breakfast approximately 15 minutes after he gets there, is a chocolate chip waffle and some juice.  This morning we took a little detour on our Snackland map, and landed on soda water and Goldfish crackers.  At 7:30 in the morning. Oooookkkkkk.  I have given up trying to figure this kid out, and now I just hang on and go with it.  Fighting the Alex Rollercoaster will provide no successful results and will only make you nauseated.

It was a brand new bottle of soda water, so I tried putting the cap on it so it wouldn't spill everywhere, but I was assured he had it secured in the cup holder of his booster seat, and it was "tucked in really good and isn't even splattering.  The bubbles stop it from splattering."  I'm surprised you didn't know that.

Lately, Alex has wanted ice cubes in every drink.  Juice?  Ice cubes.  Milk?  Ice cubes.  Soda water?  Ice cubes.  I had already put ice cubes in his juice cup like the obedient little servant I am, but the soda water was sprung on me as we were leaving and our ice cubes don't fit in the tiny bottle opening and you cannot put soda water in a straw sippy cup.  Learned that one the explosive hard way.  So, he was stuck with ice cube-less soda water.

About half way to daycare, Alex started giggling in the back and told me that he put yellow ice cubes in his soda water.  I was 99% sure I knew exactly what he was talking about, but I asked him where he got the yellow ice cubes.  He matter of factly told me he got them from the yellow ice cube machine.  Now, again, I was pretty positive the yellow ice cube machine was in reality the bag of Goldfish, but his imagination has been on overdrive lately, and Goldfish are kinda orange-ish not really yellow, so maybe just maybe he was pretending.  Upon arrival, I determined that I should listen to my gut more often as I saw three saturated, bloated, disintegrating Goldfish floating at the top of the soda water bottle.  Yuuuuh-ummmy.

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