When Dos had to be returned/flushed, I told Alex I would figure out what fish Uno would get along with so we could have more than one fish. After consulting the Google machine, I decided on Neons. I told him and said that since they are so small we could get two. His eyes lit up and he said, "Can we get thfreeeeeee fish?" Yes, we can get three. "Gasp! Can we get fooooouuuur fish?" Sure, this has been a shit show thus far, let's go big.
So, Alex and I headed back to the freaking pet store yesterday afternoon to get four Neons. The oh so nice salesman that sold us the handy dandy two fish tank dealymabobber in the first place greeted us and asked if we needed anything. Yes, yes we do. We need to go back in time and have you not suggest the tank you suggested. But, since that ain't gonna happen, could you please get us 4 Neons? He ambled on over to bag up the fish while Alex and I picked out a net and some food for said Neons.
Quick aside...when I took Dos back, I explained what happened and got credit. This particular store guarantees their fish for 14 days. However, if you then use the credit to buy more fish, the new fish are not guaranteed. When the manager told me that, I looked at him like he had just spoken the dumbest words I'd ever heard. Then I noticed he had the same look. No point in debating it...this guy has no control over the rules the giant chain pet store lays down. Yes, I went to a giant chain pet store. I am fueling the mean old fish breeding conditions of the corporations. I'm assuming they have fish mills just like puppy mills, right?
Back to yesterday. We get the fish, the net and the food and go to check out. The food was $1.99 and the net was $2.99. The fish were $12.00. I had a credit for $6.00. Quick math shows some of this credit is going to be applied to the fish which would render them unguaranteed. By the time the clerk figured out how to ring in the credit at all, I was ready to be done and frankly didn't care if these fish were guaranteed. We paid the balance and headed home.
When we got home, we took the bag of fish into Alex's room to float the bag and let the water in the bag get to be the same as the tank. Of course we were then engaged in a close inspection of the new fish. Which is when we realized one of the new fish WAS ALREADY DEAD. Yep. Dead. Dead before we even got home! And then, then, THEN, within two hours of emptying the bag into the tank, a second one bit the dust.
I am so happy we decided to get fish. So so happy.
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