Tuesday, August 7, 2012


12 days 'til race day.  Only 15 more miles of training left.  I have to say the schedule I used this time was much more manageable.  Running only 3 times a week instead of 4 is so much better.  And the longest run on this one is 10 miles, not 12.  The low-key feeling this schedule has is making me slightly concerned that I am not ready.  But, too late now!  The fact that I totally kicked 7 miles' ass on Sunday doesn't hurt the confidence though.

Yesterday's run was only 3 miles and I tell you it felt like a sprint distance!  I love me some tapering down before a race.  It felt like such a short distance in fact, I decided to run at 9 minute miles.  Yay!  Until, with a 1/4 mile left, I felt a sharp PING! in my right hamstring.  Yeah, the one that I blew up last summer, that one.  I am pretty sure it's going to be fine with some consistent ice and ibuprofen, but I am not happy.  The thought of training for 12 weeks to end up not being able to run is absolutely sickening.

One of Alex's teachers is also running this race and while I was whining about my leg to her this morning, Alex jumped in the conversation to tell her that just last week, his "mama ran alllll the way to Mexico and alllll the way back."  I am never showing him a map.

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