Monday, August 6, 2012

Boy's boy

Well, Alex has broken his first window.  He and Trevor were practicing for the upcoming tour of their new band on Saturday evening.  As lovely as the music was, it was requested they only practice in Alex's play room.  With the door closed.

Alex is apparently the main percussion man of this two man band, while Trevor was heading up the keyboard and vocals.  Not a bad combo.  Until the percussion man decides his plastic maracas would be best played on the single pane windows separating the play room and the living room.  I heard two hits and then a crack.  As I got up to assess the damage, I first saw Trevor standing in front of a spider webbed window, his eyes bigger than crash cymbals, looking terrified and pointing at Alex.  Alex on the other hand was winding up for another maraca exclamation point.

Both boys were scolded, poor Trevor got in trouble by association.  He should really learn to hang with a better crowd.  Alex, of course, was scolded for the broken window.  The time spent in his room really shone through as an effective punishment when later in the evening he pointed at the broken window and laughingly asked me why he did that.  Ya got me kiddo.

All was right again on Sunday morning and we were going about our normal day.  Alex and I built a fort out of a comforter I had hanging on four lawn chairs since our dryer just can't seem to get that one dry.  While he was making pretend vanilla and chocolate pizzas to force feed the dog and me, I decided to water the plants.    Here's the thing.  The watering can we have is not quite big enough to water all of the plants with one fill up.  So I left the hose on, but with a sprayer attachment so it wasn't just water running all over the place, while I walked around the corner of the house.  Yeah.

About 28 seconds into watering, I realized I didn't hear any pizza prep going on so I yelled to Alex to see what he was doing.  No answer.  Never good when there is no answer.  I came around to the back steps to find my little darling sitting on a step, with his elbows propped up on his knees, and the hose on full blast soaking its target, my comforter.

It is a really good thing I have figured out that I like gin again.  Tanqueray, take me away.

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