Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Alex has started really listening to song lyrics.  He sings along to the shows he watches, and is pretty close to having the Backyardigans theme song nailed down.  But he also has started paying attention to songs in the car or when I sing to him before bed.  That is, if he lets me put him to bed which has not been the case as of late...somebody has become a lit-tle attached to his daddy.  And no, I haven't called him a Daddy's boy...yet.

Aaanyway, the other day we were in the car and the song "Push" by Matchbox 20 came on.  We got to the second chorus and he pipes up from the backseat, "It's not nice to push someone, Mom."  True, but it kinda sounds like someone in this song is kind of a bitch, don't you think?  And then the other night, I was singing "Cricket" to him.  This is a song I have sung to him since he was an itty bitty screaming bundle of baby.  Mostly because it is the only slow song that I know the lyrics to, but also because I really like the song.  And after three years of hearing this song, he all of a sudden stops me and asks why someone would be scared.  Well honey, for many reasons, one of which being scared of how one manages to not go absolutely bat-shit insane while living with someone that questions every single thing that happens every single day until they are old enough to move out.  That's kinda scary wouldn't you say?

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