Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Now what?

After a third day in a row of bad reports from daycare, I am starting to take it personally. I was handling it all fine and keeping a level head about it until bedtime last night. It was a 40 minute fight to get him to go to sleep. So much screaming. And he was being so good from the time we came home...right up until bedtime. In that 40 minutes I went from a level headed mother of a 2 year old, to a crying woman in her kitchen who obviously does not possess the ability to raise a feral cat much less a decent human.

He was so good and cute up until the bedtime meltdown in fact, it made me temporarily forget he stomped on a classmate's face earlier in the day. Yep. That happened. Apparently the other kid was pulling on Alex's shorts. Alex told him no multiple times (read: snottily said Stop it!), but the kid kept it up until they were both on the floor. So Alex stomped his face. His teacher said it all happened very quickly and there were no marks left on either child, but that it was kinda like she was watching a bar fight. So I am successfully raising a drunken brawler. Fantastic.

I know that meltdowns and tantrums and hitting and screaming and kicking are all lovely characteristics of a lot of toddlers, but that doesn't make it any easier. Based on the nice things he does, I think we are getting through at least a little bit. But maybe that's just human nature and it just proves he isn't a predisposed psychopath. So then I am left with the comfort that he won't go around killing squirrels, but is going to be a total asshole to anyone that annoys him. Phew! Glad that's cleared up.

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