Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rash, rash go away

The boy still has his rash and it was really itching him yesterday, so over the river and through the woods, back to the doctor's office we went. For the third time in the span of a week. I kinda felt like I was overreacting, going to the doctor three times for a rash and all, but it was not really getting any better. And this poor kid is scratching so much he looks like he got in a fight with an alley cat. And lost.

Oh yeah, the other really fun thing about going to the doctor 3 times in a week, is that Alex has now decided he loathes going to the doctor. He is fine in the waiting area, but once that nurse comes out and calls us, he starts crying. As we walk down the hall to the exam room, he starts scream/crying and reaching out to anything that he can hang on to in an attempt to thwart me and my efforts to get him into the damn room. I literally had to pry his fingers from the door frame. Then I have to go over everything with the nurse while standing against the door as he is now tall enough to open the door, a skill I am sure he finds quite handy in his pursuit of freedom. All the while, he is still scream/crying so I have to raise my voice almost to the point of yelling so the nurse can hear me. Until the sweet bliss of him realizing he can explore all the weird stuff in the room takes over. Like this table that is up high and he can hide under it! Or this roll of paper under the tablet that seems endless! Or this hangy thing he is sure he is not supposed to touch! Whatever kid. Go ahead, touch long as the scream/crying stops. He has oddly decided he is fine with the doctor now though. He used to hate him...Now he just eyes him suspiciously during the exam. But he doesn't cry or try to bust out of the room so I am a-ok with the suspicion.

Anywho, the doctor comes in and says, I swear to you this is what he said, "Well, he's got a rash." I did everything I could to mask my "Gee...ya THINK?!" face, but I failed. My failure to hide my reaction spurred the doctor to explain that he has a specific rash, Gionatti Crosti. It's not contagious, it just needs to run its course and all we can do is keep Alex as comfortable as possible. So with a prescription for heavy-duty hydrocortizone in hand, we headed home.

Kari and Trevor were nice enough to come over and entertain Alex for a bit so I could get caught up on the work I missed during our medical trek. And that little play date ended with Alex and Trevor chasing each other into different rooms, "scaring" each other, and screaming as loudly as humanly possible. Oh, and there are crayons e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e.

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