When this kid decides he is hungry, he is HUNGRY. There is no rhyme or reason to when he will be a bottomless pit. Or at least no rhyme or reason I can figure out. Which really isn't saying much since I can't figure out why some diaper changes upset him but he could care less about others. Or why he still thinks it's appropriate to hit me upside the back of the head when he is unhappy with something I have said. Or why he does 99% of the things he does. Me=Clueless. It's ok...I am getting used to feeling like a confused goldfish that jumped out of my bowl...floppin' all around, trying to figure out how to breath, eyes all buggy.
Last night was a bottomless pit night. We got home earlier than normal due to the doctor visit. Upon our arrival he ate about a cup of yogurt with at least 38 blueberries mixed into it. Next up, a banana. Then he moved on to some Doritos. And then an entire can of Chef Boyardee ravioli and meatballs, with a side of pickle. The whole can! I do not understand where all of this food mass goes.
By the way, Chef Boyardee is not only a convenient dinner, but the sauce also apparently serves as fantastic body paint. Just a little FYI.
I know the rhyme and reason to why he is a bottomless pit: he is really my child. Makes perfect sense when you look at it that way.