Friday, March 25, 2011


Any time Alex cannot move or open something he makes this "eeeeee" noise to indicate he is expending an excruciating amount of energy and then declares it "guck." Unless it can be moved by the strength of a toddler, it is stuck for all eternity. Or until Travis or I or any other stronger person will move or open whatever it is that is "guck."

This morning on the way to day care he dropped his nuk while cramming Tootie Frooties into his face. I answered his uh-oh by telling him I would get it for him when we got to day care. He started reaching for it, but obviously couldn't reach the floor due to the fact he was strapped in like a fighter pilot. And then I hear it. Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Guck. I turn to tell him I will get it for him in a minute and see him arching his back as hard as he can trying to bust out of his car seat straps and then more loudly, EEEEEEEEEE!!! Guck! Which was accompanied not only with the back arching but also with the most pathetic little why-aren't-you-helping-me-get-out-of-this-contraption face.

All I could do was giggle and remind him that I know he is stuck. I do that on purpose.

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