Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Once again, he proves me wrong. I swear it's like he has a weird sixth sense. He knows when I talk about him. This time though, the proving me wrong worked out all sorts of fabulous for me.

After all my bitching about the sleeping, he slept like an angel last night. He was a complete spaz-o-matic right up until the final bell, but with a little calm rocking and a bottle, he went right to sleep when I laid him down. He woke up once around 2am, fussed for about a minute and a half...just enough to get me awake and pondering how long the fight was going to be...and then got himself right back to sleep until 6:23 this morning. I once again tasted the sweet sweet glory of a full night's sleep. For the first time in a long time I had that weird worry thing when he wasn't awake yet when I woke up. It's been a while since he has slept longer than I in the morning.

I am going with last night being a one time thing for now. Last week when this happened I got all excited only to have my hopes of nights filled with blissful sleep smashed like the fragile gems they are. So there is no hoping for tonight. Just really low expectations. Do you hear that Alex?! I totally think you are going to sleep horribly tonight. I wonder if reverse psychology works on his sixth sense?

The spaz-o-matic thing is no joke by the way. He has acquired a maniacal laugh that I can only describe as a hyena shrieking while blowing a referee whistle. I tried getting it on video this morning to no avail. It is insane. Aunt Nicki's response when she heard it through the phone, "Holy cow! Is that seriously him?!" He only busts it out when he is really excited. But that seems to happen more often than not, so we pretty much have a very vocal hyena-monkey hybrid living with us. Very exotic.

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