Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bi-Polar baby

This kid is nuts. Like certifiable I think.

He has the ability to go from completely upset to crazed laughing in .2 seconds. And when I say upset, I am talking crying with no noise upset. Bright face, open mouth, tears streaming, no noise for about 5 seconds and then unleashing the fury of Medusa...yeah, that type of crying. And then in the very next breath, laughing...If you can figure out something to do real quick like to amuse him.

Last night was a perfect example. He was tired. Very tired. Way too tired to go the dinner fundraiser thingy Mariah's work was putting on. But I wanted a schmorgishborg of food for dinner, and the fundraiser was offering just that. Tacos, chicken and squash curry, spring rolls, spanikopita, baklava. Yeah baby. Anyway, the beast was beyond tired. He wasn't hungry though. I thought enough to take care of that before we left. And holy shit did he eat. Five ice cubes worth of various food I had in the freezer AND an entire jar of baby food, which was immediately opened when I realzied I had run out of food in the freezer for him. Hungry? No. Tired? Yes. A million times yes.

The first instance of the emotional roller coaster this kid rides was when he first saw Mariah. She smiled, he giggled. She tickled him, he screamed. She smiled and laughed at him right away, he smiled and giggled right back. All within 4 seconds. No joke. Then we got some food and sat down. He started freaking out. So I calmly left the room in an attempt to not disrupt an entire cafeteria of people eating. Screaming, flailing, crying. I tossed him up in the air. Crazy laughing.

I think I should have gotten a Psych degree before he was born.

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