Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Juice is Loose

We made the decision to formula feed Alex. It was not a decision we came to lightly. Travis let me make the decision since it was not going to be his boobs the kids was latched onto 11 times a day.

I am confident I made the correct choice for our family. But I have still have tinges of guilt. The only reason I am feeling guilty is all you hear is "Breast is best." And I understand that. Nature intended for me to use these giant things to feed my child. But you know what, science has helped us out and come up with a pretty darn good alternative. As my friend Suzanne said, "People used to poop outside, but inventions have made that a lot easier too."

Convenience is not the only reason behind my decision. I also realized I had been the sole source of nutrition for this critter for almost 1o months. If it's possible, someone else can help out. And this way, Travis gets to be part of feeding his son...without the use of pumping apparatus. It may be a selfish decision to take the feeding burden off of me, but I can say with certainty we are both very happy with things this way.

Now, this doesn't mean I can fool nature completely. My body still knows it had a baby. And my body doesn't care if we are formula feeding. It wants to go about its business as planned. What I am getting at is my milk has come in. And I have a lot of milk. Good freaking gravy. I thought the size of these boobs was impressive before. I was clueless. This is insanity. They are at the point that I don't even know how the bra sizes go anymore. I am at a loss after DD. Does it keep adding D's? Do we go to E? This is uncharted territory for me. All I know is I have on a 36D sports bra and the seams are holding on for dear life. Although I don't know why I am bothering with any undergarment. These things are crazy solid. Like Rock of Gibraltar solid. You know when you see women with obvious implants and they have that weird gap between their boobs? I totally have that. This would all be good and fun except they hurt so badly. Yesterday I winced just raising my arms up to pull my hair back. It seems to be getting better slowly, but wow. And the leaking is fun too. Breast pads are super hot.

Speaking of leaking, I realized I forgot to mention I peed on a nurse during the early part of my labor. We had an issue with the external heart rate monitor and we lost the little bugger's heartbeat. Not good. So the nurse had to put a monitor on his head. While he was still inside my body. And I was only 2cm dilated. Fun. So yeah, the pressure of her being up there was apparently too much for my body and I peed on her arm. It got on her arm because her hand was so far up she was scratching the back of my throat. Gotta love the humility of peeing on another adult.

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