Friday, May 10, 2013

Sticky rewards

I bought a bunch of neon stickers; neon smiley faces and stars.  The deal is, if Alex has a good day, he gets to put a sticker on the calendar we have hanging on the refrigerator (Thanks Aunt Mimi!).  We started this little system at the beginning of the month.  Today is the 10th.  There are only 5 stickers currently on the calendar.  To be fair, we have not yet determined today's sticker status, but so far he's only 5 for 9.

Travis had to pick Alex up on Monday because I was stuck at home with the nicest but slowest Dish Network employee ever.  They got home and I asked Alex how his day was.  He gave me the sweetest smile and said, "Ummm...I don't know?"  Ooookkkk.  So, for clarification, I asked if that meant he had a bad day.  "Weeeeelllll....I juuuuusst threwalittlebitofwoodchips."  Super duper.

Travis heard this little exchange and let me know his teacher said he had a pretty good day up until the wood chip incident right at the end of the day.  So, I asked Alex if he thought he thought he deserved a sticker for the day.  After a fair amount of deliberation, he decided probably not.

Although the stickers are only producing a 50% success rate thus far, I was very proud of him for self-policing the sticker distribution.  Hopefully we can up his average a little in the coming weeks.  I want that calendar glowing dammit!

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