Wednesday, May 15, 2013


We can do no great things, only small things with great love. - Mother Teresa

I've been feeling kinda meh lately.  One of those, "what's the point?" kinda slumps.  Not sure why and I'm pretty sure it's going to pass quickly, but here it is.  When I get to feeling like this, I often find myself thinking about how I'm not really great at anything.  I'm not saying that as a "woe is me I'm worthless" type of thing; I'm just not great at one particular thing.  I saw a whole string of photos today of people doing amazingly athletic things...I fell trying to put on my pants this morning.

And then I came across that quote today.

While I may not excel at any one particular thing, what I can do is all the small things day in and day out and make them worth it.  Make someone smile.  Be silly.  Say yes instead of no.  Aaaaaand GO!

1 comment:

  1. I sure wish you had been with me in the audience with the Dalai Lama, yesterday and today. You would know how valuable every individual really can be -- and YOU ARE! I love you.
