Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Monday.

I started off my week with a sudsy bang last night when I sent my cell phone through the wash.  I have had a cell phone for over 12 years now, and never have I been so brilliant as to wash it.  The thing that really irritates me?  I wasn't even going to wash the sweatshirt my phone was in, but it was next to the laundry basket and I grabbed it to throw it in with the last load since it wasn't 100% clean.

Then this morning, after I got Alex out to the car and all buckled in, he told me he had to go to the bathroom.  So, back inside we went were he took as long as humanly possible and required multiple reminders to focus on what he was doing.  Ipso facto, I was 20 minutes late to work.

Which is fine since my day got cut even shorter with a call from day care telling me Alex had a fever of 101.4.  And since it was past half way through the day, he can't go back until Wednesday.  Oh, and his fever is in addition to the bright red cheek he's sporting, which was a result of he and another child getting in a hitting match.  Fun fun fun.

1 comment:

  1. An excuse to get to stay home though. Although it's never any fun to use vacation for that sort of thing.
