Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Recently, I was once again tricked into thinking Mickey Mouse held the title for most annoying children's show.  And once again, I was dead wrong.  Mickey Mouse has got nothin' on that repetitive exploring little freak Dora and her damn monkey friend, Boots.  Boots, by the way, wears red boots.  No other items of clothing.  Just red boots.  And he really loves his boots.  And he tells you he really loves his red boots ALL THE TIME.  "I'm Boots!  I love my boots!"  Shut the fuck up, Boots.

And don't even get me started on Swiper, the thieving fox.  This asshole fox pops up every now and then with the sole intent of stealing whatever it is Dora and Boots need to fix their problem.  The problem they have told you about in the exact same words at least a dozen times.  And the only thing this stupid fox ever says is, "Oh maaaaaaan." while snapping his fingers in an "Aw shucks!" kind of way.  And he only does that after Dora, Boots and the home viewer yell, "Swiper!  No swiping!" at least seven times.

One episode of Dora, and I am on my knees, begging for that mouse.

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