I'm pretty sure that when I do finally lose it and have to be committed, it is going to be because of my dog. She goes from normal loving sweet dog to Captain Insane Puppy in like .2 seconds. She is the only reason I look forward to nights being cold enough that we have to shut the windows. Because with the windows shut she doesn't absolutely freak out about a caterpillar crunching too loudly on a leaf at 12:37AM.
Saturday evening ranked right up there in the top ten times I wanted to find a pack of wild hyenas and send her back to live with her brethren. Alex and I ventured out Saturday a little before 7 in hopes of finding a fire truck at a thrift store. This child has a zillion toys, but he really loves a good fire truck. Due to the zillion toys, I am not about to drop $30-50 on another noise producing, insanity solidifying machine. Off to Goodwill and Savers!
Side note about the Goodwill store closest to us. Scary. Nothing was organized, there was a baby screaming the entire 20 minutes we were there, there were more toys on the floor than on the shelves, don't even get me started on the book section. I witnessed two little girls break two different toys and just walk away from the mess. And they didn't have any fire trucks. Moving on.
As we were leaving Goodwill, it was sprinkling. Then while we were in Savers playing with the toys, going pee, playing some more, going poop, and playing yet again, I heard two small claps of thunder. And when we came out it was pouring. Who cares about a little unexpected storm, right? Aiden, that's who.
I could tell she had done something horrible the second we walked in the house. But I remembered putting up the two baby gates blocking the upstairs, and closing both doors to the spare room, and closing the door to Alex's room. What I didn't remember was the door to the playroom. There are 7 blinds in the playroom. She shredded 6. And apparently caused such a ruckus, my next door neighbor was about to come over and see if the key was under the mat because he was concerned. Two thunderclaps. Two.
And I was standing in the middle of the demolition, blind shrapnel everywhere, just absolutely steaming, I apologized to Alex for yelling, and explained that I was really mad the dog had ruined all the blinds in his playroom. He just looks up at me while pointing to the single blind that remained in tact and says, "She didn't ruin this one Mama." Thanks Señor Silver Lining.
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