Once again I am letting day care take the lead on raising my child. I have no idea how to go about potty training. And, much like when he started eating solid foods, I am totally intimidated by the task at hand. I find myself just shutting down when I think about it. Which is totally helpful. I have thought about getting a book or two on the subject, but then I get all freaked out trying to decide which one to get. I have looked on some different "Mom" websites and chat boards, but I find time and time again I just end up wanting to punch those people in the face. It seems the women on the sites I have explored either are completely uninformational (we are calling this a word for today) or are obnoxiously judgmental and just straight up mean. Yay for sisterhood.
So here's my plan so far....
Watch what day care does and try to mimic. And let Alex be my guide.
Solid plan, right? We shall see.
All of this brings me to another point. When things like this come up and I find myself looking to day care to help with/take care of the task, I feel more inadequate as a parent than ever. Initially I feel like allowing them to take the lead is a good idea since they aren't new to this game. But then I quickly start feeling like letting them take the reigns is just being lazy, and justifying it by saying they know better than I, is a total cop-out. But right now, I am too clueless and nervous and anxious to not let them show me the potty training ways so I guess I should suck it up.
I did beat them to the punch on one thing...I taught that kid which way is left and which way is right. Ha! Take that!
Also, I am ecstatic I made it through this post while only using the horrible word "potty" two times. Well, three now Lora.
Touché, Julius. Touché. ;)