I have a booger that refuses to come out. No matter how freaking hard I blow my nose, the little booger bastard will not come out. I would say it wouldn't budge, but that would be a lie. It budges. Oh it budges. Every time I inhale or exhale. Which I find both annoying and shocking. Why does it move with the small amount of air I am taking in and pushing out when it refuses to vacate the premises when I blow air out with the force of an F-16 jet engine?
Am I the only person that experiences these little guys? I can't be. People that only want to marry a leprechaun that makes them macaroni and cheese with bologna can find someone that has that exact same thing goin' on. There must be someone else that has this issue. Perhaps someone that doesn't feel the need to waste other people's time by writing about boogers on the Internet. Yes, perhaps that.
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