Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bathroom adventures

Like I have said before, we are slowly working on ridding our lives of diapers.  The only thing that makes the intimidation of this task bearable at all is being in the bathroom with Alex.  The toilet is a thing of magic and intrigue for him.

He is still showing no interest in using the bathroom himself while at home, but he is obsessed when either Travis or I are in there...

What doing Mama?
Going potty.
Because I have to go potty.
Because that's what happens when Mommy drinks to deal with answering "Why?" so many freaking times!

Aaaaaanyway, he is more excited because we let him flush the toilet.  And that is where this whole adventure pays off.  He stands there, flushes the toilet, and while waving like a maniac starts yelling, "BUHBYE PEE!  BUHBYE POOP!  BUHBYE EWIES!"  And then he slams the lid shut.  It makes me laugh every single time.

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