Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fork this

I am having one of those days where I feel like I should totally have my shit more together than I do. Just a constant, kinda oppressive feeling like I should be at a level of success that has yet to be attained.

I am blaming this feeling on Maggi having a birthday yesterday. A bunch of us met for some drinks. As I was leaving, it was brought to my attention that I was the oldest person at the table. Sweet. And then I realized that aside from three of the guys in our group of friends, I am the oldest one there too. Double sweet.

These realizations led me to an inventory of where I am in life. I definitely would not go so far as to say I am failing at life, but I am just not where I thought I would be at 32. I mean I am fairly broke, working in an office selling HVAC equipment I know next to nothing about, and I don't have my Mustang anymore. Not totally every little girl's dream of what she's gonna be when she grows up. Really close though, amiright?!

On the good side of things, I have an incredible family, irreplaceable friends, awesome husband, a spazzy loyal mutt and one really fucking funny kid. So I guess if you take away the stuff that doesn't really matter..the money, the status, the Must..wait, the Mustang matters. But if you take away that other stuff, I have succeeded in surrounding myself with people I love and admire. And that's not too any age.

And then right as I am starting to see the silver lining, I stab a potato from the leftover pot roast I am having for lunch, which was only made last night because it is dirt cheap to make, and my fucking plastic fork snaps in half.

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