Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fan Ninja

The clumsiness I display on an almost daily basis is nothing short of impressive. Impressive that I do not seriously injured myself more. I am constantly finding bruises...the origin of which completely baffle me. The stupidity of my clumsiness is also something to behold. Things like smacking my head on a car door-roof-edge area while bending over to put something in the back seat. Because you know, who wouldn't see there is A CAR THERE.

Anyway, last night was another impressive showing. We were making dinner. It was hot in the kitchen. I ran upstairs to put on some shorts and a t-shirt. Upstairs to our bedroom, which has low ceilings and not very good air movement so we also have a ceiling fan on our low ceilings. We have had this ceiling fan for well over a year. Of course I wasn't paying attention, pulled my shirt up over my head and caught one of the fan blades with the side of my wrist...and ripped the fan blade off the fan. Like completely broke it off and the blade smashed to the floor. I kicked that fan's ass!...And got a big ol' welt on my wrist.

I come back downstairs and Travis says, "Did you turn the fan off then?" Nah, I just left it spinning all helter skelter like a drunk Humpty Dumpty. I thought we could place bets on how long it would take before the fan ripped itself out of the ceiling.

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