Friday, February 5, 2010

That settles that

One of the kids in Alex's daycare has "RSV." I Googled it and it basically is pretty much a bad chest cold. You have to be careful when little ones have it though because it can easily lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. Fun. Yesterday, Alex was a bit sick. Nothing horrendous, but sick. Last night was another long night. Lots of coughing and waking up. I spent a decent amount of the night in the glider in his room with him in my lap. Luckily my mom and dad spoil me and gave us a very nice one!

I brought my work stuff home with me yesterday in case I had to stay home. This morning, Alex was in a great mood and ate a good portion of his bottle. So I was thinking maybe I would take him after all. But then while he was sitting on my stomach playing he started coughing. And coughing and coughing. Until he gagged himself. And threw up every last bit of the 6 ounces he just drank. On my chest. Yeah...not so much on the going to daycare.

So I worked from home today. With a sick kid. And a dog that wants to be outside, no outside...but it looks warm inside...but there are dogs to bark at outside...but OH MY GOD DOG. BE STILL. And work was busy. I think I need a drink.

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