Monday, February 22, 2010

Fingers Crossed

Saturday night was more of the hellishness of not sleeping. He went down fine. But that can be attributed to the car. We were at my parents' for my mom's birthday and left right about the time he needed to go to sleep. Well, a little after that time but whatever. There was raspberry pie there. 'Nuff said. Anyway, he fell asleep pretty quickly in the car and barely woke up when we took him out of his car seat and put him in his crib. I was all for just letting him sleep in his car seat. Travis not so much.

All was good until 2:30. And 3:00. And 3:30. The first wake up I re-nuked him and went back to bed. The second wake up I cave and picked him up and rocked him for a while. But then when he started crying about .4 seconds after I left the room from rocking him, I had had enough. So I let him cry again. I went upstairs and turned the sound off on the monitor. Our monitor has a little light display that goes off when there is noise. And the more noise, the more lights that get all red and shiny. All the lights were shining. Now this would be a nice feature for someone who has a house bigger than a Barbie playhouse. We would not be those people. Don't get me wrong. I really like our house a lot. All 1009 whopping square feet of it. Add the diminutive size of our house to the fact that the screaming howler monkey's room is at the base of the stairs that lead up to our room...turning the sound off did nothing. It took him awhile, but Travis finally woke up...laid there for a bit and then just says, "So I take it we are toughing it out?" Yepper! Exciting, no?

And tough it out we did. For 30mins. And then he was quiet for a second. But then he started up again, but with a different cry. This time it was a "something's really wrong" cry, not just a "I'm pissed off" cry. So I went down to check on him. He was fine. Completely uncovered, but fine. So I covered him and gave him his nuk and watched him curl up and go to sleep while I walked out of the room.

And then Sunday, he was completely back to normal. Back to the routine of playing for a bit in his crib and then going to sleep. For two naps, an hour and half each, and for bed time. He cried for 24 seconds in the middle of the night, but went right back to sleep. For the whole night.

I don't want to count any chickens before they are hatched, but I am really really really happy that I think I can hear them peeping and pecking at their shells to get out.

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