Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh thank you honey.

I finally went to the doctor yesterday to figure out what the hell is going on in my face region. Turns out the lovely little cold my lovely little beast gave me turned into a not so lovely giant sinus infection. I have never had a sinus infection. I would like to offer my most sincere condolences to anyone that has ever endured this nightmare. It is horrendous. Beyond horrendous. I feel like my face is full of little demons trying to get out from the inside...using tiny spiked jackhammers. All the while my brains are trying to escape out of my eyes and ears.

Alex is all but completely over this cold. Which is awesome because sick babies are no fun. But he wants to play...with toys...that make noise. I never really thought about how much it would suck to be sick and have a baby in the house. really really sucks. The one good part is he goes to bed super early, so I don't have to entertain him for too long before I get to collapse on my couch. Silver lining baby.

K, I think I am going to go remove my head for a while.

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