Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sleep study

Sam has slept mostly through the night the last two nights.  He's only woken up once each night, and as soon as I popped his nuk back in his mouth, he fell right back asleep.  It's been magnificent.  The past month plus a week or so has been ridiculous.  Without exaggeration, before Monday night, I had not slept more than 2 hours at a time in over a month.  He is nine months old.  This shit is expected and tolerated from infants.  Not from nine month old cute fat babies.  I already trudged through the sleepless nights with this one.  We're supposed to be done now.  Someone needs to send him another copy of the memo.  Maybe in bold this time.

Travis decided to stop using the humidifier the other night since Sam's congestion was much less significant during the day.  I was skeptical.  I agreed that his congestion was less during the day, but I still believed in the magical powers of humidified air, and figured the only reason his little snot locker wasn't filling up during the day was because he wasn't laying down as much.  He slept for a while and then started stirring, so I went in to re-nuk him.  And I noticed he was distinctly not congested.  So, I decided to go full scale with the experiment, and I turned the humidifier on.  Lo and behold, by morning that kid's nose was stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey.  But not as delicious.

So the next night, we went sans humidifier.  But I was worried about the lack of white noise in his room.  So I purchased an inexpensive little sound machine from Walgreens; set it to ocean waves, and off to sleep he went.  But asleep he did not stay.  He woke up a ton of times.  He wasn't congested, but still waking up.  No good.

So the next night, no humidifier, no sound machine.  Slept all night.

Just to be clear, the things I was doing specifically to help this child sleep were apparently keeping him awake.  Sounds about right.

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