Monday, March 2, 2015


I swear Alex would live in the bath if I would let him.  He asks to take a bath at least once a day; but then clairfies whether it's a "scrubbing bath" or a "play bath."  More often than not, the request is for the latter.  Either way, he also consistently asks if Sam can take a bath with him.  Finally, Sam is big enough to hold his own for a bit in the tub with his big brother.
Man, we gotta get passed Alex's awkward picture face stage.  Also?  He is like, adult sized now.  I mean not really.  But LOOK AT HIM.  He is so tall all of a sudden.  He loves to lay flat on the bottom of the tub while it's filling and two weeks ago he pointed out the he fit perfectly in the bottom of the tub.  Then two weeks later, he looked at me all confused because he didn't fit anymore.  Don't look at me kid!  I'm the one that keeps telling you to stop growing!

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