Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Morning Fun

This morning Alex woke me up at 7:00.  His bus picks him up at 7:13.  Wanna guess who accidentally turned their alarm clock off?  Yeah.  Awesomesauce.

In an effort to get things going more quickly, I excitedly told Alex school was serving cheese quesadillas for lunch today!  Doesn't that sound yummy?!  Nope.  No dice.  He wanted a peanut butter and jelly.  Surprirse surprise.

So, I frantically started making a lunch for him while gently shouting getting dressed instructions.  Quick aside:  This kid does not care about clothes.  Like at all.  If he had his choice, he would be naked 99% of the day.  This is an awesome thing when it comes to clothes shopping.  I never have to take him with, and he never bawks at what I buy for him.  This is not such an awesome thing when it comes to getting dressed.  Since he has zero preference most times, he has zero motivation to grab an outfit from his dresser while also lacking any drive to don himself in said outfit.

Anywho, I was telling him to grab some clothes while I made his sandwhich.  I left it on the table and scurried to the sink to clean some strawberries to cram in his lunch with the PB&J.  While I was at the sink, I heard some rustling at the table, but I was too focused on cleaning the berries and attempting to coerce Alex into some clothes to look up to see what it was.  Finally the continued noise got the best of my curiosity and I looked over to see the DAMN DOG EATING THE PB&J.  Of course she is.

So I yelled at her, which prompted Alex to ask me what was wrong.  And when I told him the dog ate his sandwhich, he stood there, completely naked and shell shocked, and juuuuuust about started to cry while telling me that he "really really wanted that peanut butter and jelly."  Yes, I know you really really wanted it and that is why I'm making another one.  Don't cry!  See?  I've already grabbed the bread!  Don't cry.  If anyone is going to cry around here, it's gonna be me!

I went into hyper-pb&j-making-drive, threw the sandwhich, strawberries, and a fun size KitKat in his lunchbox while cramming flip-flops on my feet.  I had him down his allergy medicine while I zipped up his jacket and we took off to the bus stop.  Totally made it.

And just for extra fun?  The dog did this after leaving two puddles of pee and four turds on the carpet in the last 18 hours.

It's no wonder I missed Sam rolling over.

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