Monday, October 27, 2014

Evolving Friendships

Alex took off on his bike to go play with some neighborhood friends yesterday, and he came home rather quickly and obviously unhappy.  When I asked what was wrong, he told me the kids he went to play with said they didn't want to play with him.  Oh boy.  

I took a deep breath in an attempt to stave off my protective feelings so I could prevent the homicide of uncaring unfeeling monstrous children, and asked him to explain.  His rendition of events was less than clear, so I just told him I was really sorry he felt sad and that it sounded like there may have been some confusion between the kids and we should try to move on and keep working on being a good friend.

A couple hours later, I was getting ready to put him to bed and I saw my phone flashing its little green message light.  I checked and found a text from my neighbor; the mother of one of the kids Alex said ripped his heart out earlier.  She said her daughter was super upset because she was worried she hurt Alex's feelings because she didn't invite him to play and her daughter wanted to know if Alex was ok.  That set off a series texts between the two kids, using us mothers as conduits:

Alex:  That message is just what I needed.
Friend:  I'm gonna make a card for you, I feel horribly bad.  I love you.
Alex:  :) Jackie is going to charge my dune racer so we can ride in it together.
Friend:  That makes me feel better...see ya tomorrow!
Alex:  Goodnight!
Friend:  'Night!

Here's to hopin' all future friendly kerfuffles are fixed so easily.

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