Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sweet Alex

Sam is on a bit of a sleep strike the last couple of nights.  Not sure what the deal is, but we'll figure it out sooner or later.  Hopefully sooner than later because I am freaking tired.

Usually, he is just fussy enough to get me up and then the second I pick him up or re-nuk him, he falls right back to sleep.  I have tried getting him to fall asleep without me holding him so that if he wakes up and I'm not holding him, it doesn't seem weird.  Still wakes up and fusses.  I have tried getting him to fall asleep without a nuk so that if he wakes up without a nuk it doesn't seem weird..  Still wakes up and fusses.  Killin' me here.

This morning, he was not just fussy when he woke up for the zillionth time; he was PISSED.  And very vocal about it.  Vocal enough that he woke up his brother.  His brother that will sleep through an entire change of clothes into pajamas.  During a break in Sam yelling at me, I heard Alex open his door.  I turned around and apologized that Sam woke him up.  He just stood there naked, wrapped in his brown elephant blanket, smiled, and said, "It's OK that Sam woke me up, Mom.  If he hadn't woke me up, I wouldda slept all day.  Ha!"

How is it that the one that can unravel my sanity in the blink of an eye is also the one that melts my heart so often?

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