Friday, April 25, 2014

Snack Time!

Alex's 4K class has a snack schedule for the kids.  Meaning the kids get assigned a day every couple of weeks to bring in a snack for the class.  The kids get excited when it's their turn and it saves some money for the win.  So far Alex has taken string cheese and pudding cups.

This week it was his turn to take a snack on Thursday.  Because we're totally on the ball, Travis ran to the store Wednesday night to grab something.  He came back with cracker sticks and cheese and applesauce cups.  Aaaaaand a sheepish look because he couldn't decide what to get.  Which I found funny because before he left I had suggested GoGurts or pudding cups, and because...well, I's a snack.  This isn't an Earth shattering decision.  But in Travis's world, it was a big decision because he doesn't want his kid to "be the kid that brings a lame snack."  Oookkk...I think we're puttin' a leetle too much emphasis on this snack thang.

In the morning, I showed Alex his options and told him he could choose between the applesauce and the crackers and cheese to take.  He immediately asked where the GoGurts were because he had heard my suggestion the night before.  I told him he was lookin' at his choices...pick one.  He looked again, pointed to the applesauce, and said, " this like chocolate applesauce?"  After a brief moment of confusion, I realized he was asking if the applesauce was actually pudding.  No such luck kiddo.

After much deliberation, applesauce won out.  Mostly because it was heavier in his backpack and he could be much more dramatic about it I'm pretty sure.

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