Friday, April 25, 2014

Found it!

I had to run over to Bert's old house last night to make sure it was all cleaned out and ready for the closing today, so Travis was on dinner duty.  When I got home, I was met with glorious news!  He found the missing egg!  I was so excited and relieved.  I know it's silly, but it was driving me nutso that I couldn't remember where I put the damn thing.  My excitement quickly turned to I'm-gonna-slap-this-man when I asked where he found it and he responded with, "I'm not telling.  I want you to have the satisfaction of finding it."  He's a funny man.  A funny man that clearly holds little value for his life.  He sensed this was perhaps not the best course of action and said that I cook often enough that I would find it really soon.  Some quick deductive reasoning led me to the cupboard next to the stove, from which he had recently retrieved a dish for that night's meal.  And sure as shit, there was the egg.  Sitting right inside the cupboard door.

That was the only egg I hid inside something.  The only one.  I lack the ability to remember that I hid one stinkin' egg not in plain sight.  Not to mention, my darling genius child and I lack the searching skills to find an egg in a cupboard.  We're goin' places us Juliuses.

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