Friday, April 4, 2014

Coulda Skipped This One

We hit a milestone in the Julius house last night.  Alex called me a name.  While slamming his bedroom door in anger.  Did he suddenly skip a bunch of years and become a moody teenager?  No.  I only let him watch one episode of "Paw Patrol."  That was it.  That was my horrendous offense.  And?  He and I had agreed that he would watch only one and then turn the TV off.  Believe me, my foolishness in thinking that my darling 4 year old would uphold his end of that bargain is as glaring to me as it is to you.  One of these times, it'll work...I just know it.  Last night was not that time.

He happily watched the episode while I started making dinner.  It ended, I instructed him to turn the TV off, he melted down.  Not surprising by any means, but annoying and frustrating by all the means.  So I left my chili prep and turned off the tv, and while ignoring the tantrum being performed in the living room, I calmly went back to the kitchen.  At this point, my darling son decided it would be in his best interests to take it upon himself to turn the tv back on.  Contrary to his belief, that was not a good idea.  So he was banished to his room for a quick time out to change his attitude.  And would you believe this?  He didn't want to.  Didn't I know that?  He didn't want to go to his room.  Weird, I don't remember asking if he wanted to.  So, I put him in his room and closed the door.  With that, he opened his door, screamed "No!  Doody!" and slammed the door.  

Now, I'm no scholar, but I have been getting pret-ty good at translating kids' words into their adult, real English counterparts.  Based on the context, intonation, and what I know his meaning of "doody" is, I'm a strong 99% sure he called me a shithead.  Awesome.

After a handful of angry words from me, a lot of crying from him, some more time in his room, and a long conversation about repsect, we're back on track.

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