Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Math is fun!

Alex has come up with a new game to play with me while we're in the car, or avoiding falling asleep at bedtime.  It goes like this:

Alex:  What's 4+4?
Me:  8
Alex:  What's 8+8?
Me:  16
Alex:  What's16+16?
Me:  32
Alex:  What's 32+32?
Me:  64

And so on and so on...

At one point this morning in the car, the answer was 1,984 (obviously we had started a little higher than 4+4) and he was having a really hard time remembering that long of a number to be able to say it twice.  He tried a couple times and then just said, "Let's not do math anymore."  That's the Go Get 'Em attitude I'm trying to instill!

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