Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Once again "Handy Manny" infiltrates our lives...

There was an episode on the other day where Manny, the tools, and their beloved hardware store owner, Kelly, all perform Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for their community theater.  The tools were the dwarfs and Dusty the saw was "Sneezy."  During the play there was obviously a scene where "Sneezy" sneezes mid-sentence.  Dusty was shy about it, so the director kept telling her to sneeze louder and louder because it was supposed to be funny and apparently loud unequivocally equals funny to this horrendous excuse for a community theater director.  Other things happen, Manny and tools have to fix things so the play can go on, Kelly has every single supply under the sun in her tiny ass hardware store, blah blah standard "Hanny Manny" episode.

I didn't think a thing of it until a couple hours later when Alex sneezed for the first time since watching that particular episode.  The sneeze was genuine...the first time.  But it was quickly followed with :

"WwwaaaaaahhhhhhCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHOOO!!!!!!"  I am not exaggerating at all.  The smile of naughty pride on his face after is the only thing that is funny about this.

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