Monday, October 28, 2013

Caged Up

There is currently a dog crate, with all of Aiden's favorite blankets in it, set up in our spare room.  She finally broke me.  I came home on Friday and found she had used the pull cord on the blind behind the couch to release the she could shred it.  And this is a couple days after the door to the play room wasn't quite shut tightly, so she chewed on the door to pull it open, and once she got in the play room, she had her way with the 4 blinds that were down in that room.

We keep randomly putting hot dogs and other treats in the crate for her find so it becomes some sort of happy place for her.  I am worried that her freak ass is going to hurt herself once I lock her in there, but Imma 'bout to hurt her if she keeps wrecking shop while we're gone.  I also need to keep Captain Destruct-O Dog under control since we are moving more aggressively on selling the house.  I can't come home at 5, with an appointment to show the house at 5:30, and have 90% of the blinds in the house shredded to bits.  Now if I could only figure out how to keep the kid out of the crate.

Speaking of the kid, he had a bit of an ego check this morning.  He was excited to see his friends, but last night he kept telling Travis and me that when he got to school all his friends were going to come running to him.  To be fair, they did all do that the other day.  But that was when I dropped him off half-way through the morning after he had been sick the previous day.  So it was a disruption to the day and they all got super excited.  This morning?  Not so much.  He took it right in stride, but I felt pretty bad for my little champ when he walked in and all his friends were preoccupied and only the teachers greeted him.  He even stood in front of his one buddy with a look on his face like, "Ummm...hello?  I'm here...aren't you excited?"  And his little friend just kept on dancin' like it was his job.  Hopefully the day took a better turn for the dude.

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