At the beginning of summer, Travis focused all of his infinite wisdom into one moment at Menard's, and bought a child's size garden hoe for Alex. This tool was promptly hidden from Alex after he proved he could not use the implement in any sort of safe manner. But I was lazy and didn't hide it very well and he found it. We talked him into "storing" it outside next to the garden and made him promise to only use it in said garden. This was working until last Saturday.
It was a beautiful afternoon, and I was sitting outside chatting with Julie while Alex and his cousin played. I had my back to the house and Julie was facing the back door. At one point, Alex decided it was a good idea to take his garden hoe into the house. Wrong. I told him it did not belong in the house, it was an outside tool, and he needed to leave it. He briefly pouted, but left it on the back steps. I turned back to Julie and continued our conversation. About 7 seconds in, her eyes got very large and she quickly shook her head "no" while looking just past my shoulder. I spun around to see only Alex's fuzzy little head and one arm sticking out of the mud room, while he sloooooowly and silently pulled the garden hoe into the house. Julie tried to warn him, but he was caught. So I put him in his room for a time out due to blatantly going against what I told him. He screamed and threw a fit and blah blah blah, and I went back outside.
About 5 minutes later, I was about to go in and tell him he could come out, but I didn't have to because he came bounding outside with my phone that had been on the kitchen counter, happily shouting that Aunt Nicki was calling me. I looked at my ringing phone and saw that Aunt Nicki was indeed calling. I answered only to have her confusedly ask me if I called her. Took a few seconds before I realized, I hadn't called her...but someone in my house had. I got off the phone with her and looked at my call log. Sure enough, there were calls to Aunt Nicki, #88444563, and Travis.
I asked Alex if he called those three numbers. And proud as a peacock he told me he had. And then I noticed he talked to Travis for 4 minutes. And what did he need to tell Daddy? That we needed pancake mix.
I'm gonna have to lock him in his time outs from now on.
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