Monday, November 5, 2012

Progress...I think.

The youngest member of our family has not mastered waking up to pee throughout the night.  We'll get there.  But recently, he has been waking up immediately after he pees.  Then I hear, "Mom!  I need you!"  And down the stairs I trudge to find him very unhappy and pulling his soggy diaper off.  At 4:30, this morning was no different.  But the problem this morning was that we were out of diapers.  But that didn't stop him from ripping off his "disgusting soaking" diaper.  So I put a blanket down on his bed and hoped for the best.

When my alarm went off at 6:10, I heard some rustling around downstairs and just assumed Travis hadn't left yet.  When I finally got my lazy ass up and headed downstairs, I was met at the bottom of the steps by a naked, very proud, Mr. Alex.  I asked him what he was doing up.  He announced he got up because he "just had to go potty a little bit...and poop."

As he was running for the couch and his blankets, I asked him how long he had been awake.  "Ummm...just about $40."  Ok.  Sure.  It's 6:30 in the morning; I'll take dollars as a measurement for time.  But just so we're clear, if I find pee on the wall, you owe me 7:15 and 2 purple kangaroos.

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