Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cousin Time

We had some Californian company this past weekend.  And while they wanted to see Alex, we all wanted to go out and play Saturday and not have to worry about coming home at a specific time for a babysitter, and most of all not have to worry about getting up the next morning.  Off to Platteville the beast child went!

I have to say, I love the days leading up to him going to Platteville.  I can get him to do just about anything when I have the promise of that trip in my back pocket.  I try not to use it as an absolute consequence though, 'cause that would be a bit of a bitch to have to follow through on.  When I told him he was going, and was going all by himself, he responded with a fist pump and "yesssssssssssssssssss."

He had a great time as always and was crazy well behaved.  While I was very happy he was good for them, I couldn't help but let a little bit of huge frustrated jealousy sneak in that he was good for them, but such an insufferable ass for me.  According to his aunt and uncle, that's a sign of good parenting.  I think they're just trying to ease the burn a little.

Apparently, he did not keep his hands to himself the whole time though.  On Sunday morning he was playing with the boys and landed one of his patented Drive by Whackings on his cousin's arm.  His cousin that has two brothers.  Brothers who all beat the crap out of each other all the time like typical brothers.  Yeah.  That cousin didn't exactly tolerate a Drive by Whacking, and got in a good shove before Alex got away.  Alex immediately ran to his uncle to tattle.  His uncle had seen the whole thing and just plainly said, "Well, you hit him...that doesn't really fly around here."

Now it's my turn...fist pump and yesssssssssssssssssssssssss.

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