Thursday, November 1, 2012


Last night was trick or treat in Madison.  Which meant Mr. Alex got to go trick or treating twice.  He was as excited to go last night as he was on Sunday.  So we headed out with our neighbors and their daughter Harper, and Cahwareah (Claire) and Addy.  Travis generously offered a traveling beverage to our neighbor, but stared blankly at me when I reminded him that I, his wife, also enjoy alcoholic beverages.  Nice.

Anywho, the kids had a blast running around the neighborhood, and listening to Alex say/sing "twick or tweeEEaat!" and then scream "THANK YOU!" at each neighbor kinda won me over on Halloween.  That and the fact that I didn't have to dress up and just got to stand on the sidewalk and make sure he was polite.

Once the sun went down, the parents were cold and done with trick or treating so we headed home.  Alex was immediately just as excited to hand out candy as he was to walk around gathering it.  Our storm door opens out, but our front stoop is pretty small, so the kids would have to come up to the stoop, ring the bell and then back away for the door to open, only to come back up to get the candy.  Instead of that circus, Travis just takes the window out of the door and hands out candy that way.  I'm not sure if that is what triggered it, but Alex instantly started calling the trick or treaters, "customers."  Each and every time someone came to the door, he would go running to the door yelling, "Dad!  We have more customers!"  One time he was in the bathroom and heard Travis talking to some kids and he came running out with his pants around his ankles, looking excitedly desperate and just kept saying, "Customers?  Customers!"

Travis got the brilliant idea to trick the kids coming to our house.  So each time some kids came to get candy, Travis would say, "Oh man, I'm sorry...we ran out of candy a while ago, but I have some carrots for you!" and would offer a big bowl of carrots.  And as the kids were sadly/confusedly/begrudgingly reaching for a carrot he would own up that he was just kidding and offer the candy.  Every. Single. Time.

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