Monday, April 2, 2012


If you ever need to figure out what your personal catch phrases are, have a toddler and let the parroting begin.  Friday night Alex didn't want to wear pajamas to bed.  What harm could that cause right?  Well, when your child kicks the four blankets required for bed time off of himself in his sleep and then doesn't quite wake up enough to make sense of why he's cold so he just lays there sleep/crying until you get up, it causes a lot of harm.  A lot of sleep deprived Mom harm.  Finally the sixth time this happened, I just took him to the couch with me to sleep.  At which point he instructed me not to breath on he got to sleep with my feet next to his face.  Ha!

Anyway, one of the times he was awake enough to whine and wake me up, I went to his room to find him laying there uncovered and cold and he looks at me all sleepy eyed and says with just the right amount of attitude and impatience, "Dude...come ON."

I think I need to change up my vernacular around this kid.

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