Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sing it Meatloaf

Part of having a big kid that does things that big kids do, like show and tell and star of the week things is that you have remember to bring things to school.  I thought I was good to go today...I thought wrong.

I remembered to bring his favorite toy...again.  This should probably count for two because I had to bring it yesterday too.  Yesterday was the day the star of the week gets to show everyone his/her favorite toy.  I brought said toy with us.  Apparently showing everyone his kick-ass helicopter was not enough incentive for my child to not act like an ass, so he did not "earn the privilege of showing his toy."  Teacher asked if I could bring it back to day and he could try again.  And I remembered!

I also remembered that today is the day the star of the week gets to bring in his/her favorite snack with enough to share with the class.  Not only did I remember it was that day, but I also remembered the snack!  Firing on all cylinders this morning.

And then we got to daycare and as Alex was helping me unload his stuff like I am his personal llama, his teacher asked what he brought for the letter of the day.  Fail.

2 outta 3 ain't bad, right?

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