Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First time for everything

So you know when I figured out that I need to take both the morning and the evening dose of my makeyourbrainsworkright pills? And you know how I am not famous for my memory? Yeeeeaaahhh. Not a good combo. The problem is I don't remember to take the evening one until I am getting ready for bed and I see the bottle in the bathroom cabinet, where it is right next to my toothbrush to help me remember to take it in the morning. And then it's right before I'm going to bed and I have decided taking it then would only disrupt my sleep even more. So I don't take it and promise myself I will remember the next day when I get home from work. Clearly that is a foolproof plan and is working really well.

Yesterday, it caught up with me. I could feel it starting at work and the yuck feelings only got worse throughout the evening, ending with me crying and not knowing why when I laid down for the night. The not knowing thing just makes it so much worse. It just sucks when all you want to do is cry, but there is no tangible reason for it. Only then to have no tangible reason to use as an explanation for your husband who is clearly concerned that you are just laying there quietly crying. Yay!

I woke up with the same sinking churning gut feeling, but with the added bonus of puffy eyes. But! There's a good part! A silver lining! As soon as I heard, "Mama. I dropped blankee. Blankee on floor." the sinking churning gut feeling went away. The puffy eyes hung around for a bit, but snuggling up on the couch with Alex made me feel so much better.

Obviously I do not blame Alex for my brains being all nutso, but having my brains all nutso makes it harder for me to deal with his Twoishness when it rears its ugly head. So it was a really really great feeling to have the source of a lot of frustration be my saving grace this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Keep a few pills (in a properly labeled bottle, with a copy of your valid prescription, of course) in your purse and have it with lunch or an afternoon snack. That's what saved me. That and the previously mentioned benedryl.
