Thursday, December 30, 2010

18 Months

The beast had his check-up and all is well. He passed the pre-screening questionnaire for early detection of autism, and he is apparently right on track for his developmental milestones. I guess we are doing something right after all. Although I do think most things so far are kinda gonna happen no matter what. I mean it's not like I had a ton to do with the fact that he can walk, or imitate people, or climb up on the couch, or draw a line with a crayon.

Knowing that I can't control a lot of things didn't stop me from a full-on break down yesterday. The sleep strike this kid is on is making me nutty. Partially because him not sleeping means me not sleeping. Partially because it is frustrating and sad to listen to your sad little baby screaming like baboon on crack. And partially because the sleep strike is ONLY at home. He gets himself ready for nap time at home? Not so much.

Yesterday, after waking up three times throughout the night and screaming for over an hour at one point, he was having nothing of nap time. Not. Having. It. So for just under an hour I tried to be patient. Which disintegrated into ignoring, yelling, possible breaking of my fingertip, and getting all sorts of frustrated. And then I finally just gave up and went in there, cried a lot and rubbed his back until he fell asleep. And then cried some more. And then called Kari and made her remind me that having a kid is really hard and I am not a total failure of a human being because I can't get my evil spawn to sleep. And then I whined about my finger.

So yeah, there's that.

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